Bobby是什麼呢?是荷蘭XD Design設計的一個背包。說來很有趣,我第一次見識這個背包,是從一個疑似國內網站介紹,背包被改名叫Montmarte,然後覺得奇怪,就找到XD Design的網站,叫Bobby,還有,明明未埋周,為何這個國內網站表示七月有貨呢?
另一個發現叫我hold住的是國內網站的價錢比起XD Design在 Kickstarter的Early bird套餐便宜百多港元。於是,我還是選擇在原創公司落單,英磅三十五元,表示埋周八月有貨。
同時,我又寫Email給XD Design,問他們這個國內網站賣的跟你們的是一樣的嗎?因為我這個報串行動,他們回覆如下:
Thank you so much for forwarding this to us! We checked it right away with our B-B sales team in Asia, and indeed this is one of our distributors.
However since we just launched the product here on Kickstarter, there is no way that they can put this also on their webpage already!
The site will be offline very soon :)
Off course they will be able to sell our backpacks in the future, but this will not be until Jan 2017 probably. First we make sure that the whole Kickstarter project is finalized 100% and all backers have received their pledges, and then our partners can start putting this product online.
I guess they got carried away and wanted to post it on their site already.
But thanks for sending this to us, it will be offline within a few hours.
經過本人弟弟,一位精打細算常用背包既用家,檢視過後大讚呢個係great deal,係我收到貨既同時,香港都有得賣喇,幾錢?五百幾蚊一個囉。